
Group Programs

Neuroaffirming Social And Feeding Groups

Flourish Group Programs - Summer 2025

Celebrating Diversity in Social Intelligence

9 week group series

All Paperwork and Payment is Due by December 12, 2024

Session Runs June 2nd through August 7th

*No groups June 30th through July 3rd

Max group participants is 8 students.

Not sure which group is right for your child? Email: to find the best fit for your son or daughter. We offer a wide variety of groups to support the WHOLE child.

Most groups provide one hour with both a Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist. Our dynamic teams allow for all children to learn, grow, and flourish through a variety of activities including movement, play, communication and games!

Important Notes

Clinicians provide a flexible environment; honoring individual sensory, emotional, and communication needs.

If your child is presenting with physical aggression and is not yet able to participate in a group setting without harm to self or others, the therapist will likely recommend 1:1 services in order to provide clinical recommendations for future group services. The groups fortunately run year round.

Safety is a huge concern of ours because although our rooms are large enough to accommodate a group, they are still small making safety our number one priority.


Schedule: (See Below Schedule for Group Descriptions)


Big Boppers

Ages: 3-4 years
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Peas of Mind

Ages: 4-6 years

Time: 4:45 - 5:45 p.m.

Price: $540* *Includes food and all needed materials

Current Formal Feeding and/or Swallowing evaluation completed by a Speech-Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist. This may be from another facility.

Food Scientists, Junior

Ages: 6-9 years

Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Price: $540* *Includes food and all needed materials

Current Formal Feeding and/or Swallowing evaluation completed by a Speech-Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist. This may be from another facility.


Crafting Friendships

Ages: 5-7 years

Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Club Social Celebration Junior (CSC Jr.) *** Two Group Times Offered ***

Ages: 4-6 years

Time: 10:30-11:30 a.m.

OR 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Bookworm Buddies

Ages: 4-6 years

Time 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Social Musketeers

Ages: 7-10 years

Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.


Social Musketeers

Ages: 7-10 years

Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

Club Social Celebration Junior (CSC Jr.)

Ages: 4-6 years

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Club Social Celebration II (CSC II)

Ages: 11-13 years

Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m.


Little Boppers

Ages: 2-3 years

Time: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Social Musketeers

Ages: 7-10 years

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Write On!

Ages: 5-7 years

Time: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

Teen Life

Ages: 14+ years

Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Adult Group

Ages: 18+ years

Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Group Descriptions:

Little Boppers - Ages 2-3

- Provides a flexible environment to build social connections with same-aged peers
- Uses weekly themes to bolster vocabulary development through songs, books, crafts, movement breaks, and free play

- Clinicians respect and honor all forms of communication, play, and learning styles for each child to meet them where they are for a fun and successful learning experience

- To safely share space and materials with peers

- To join in shared activities with same aged peers
- To transition between tasks with decreasing support - To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

Big Boppers - Ages 3-4

- Provides a flexible environment to build social connections with same-aged peers
- Uses weekly themes to bolster vocabulary development through songs, books, crafts, movement breaks, and free play

- The group's structure and provided take-home activities are perfect to get your little one ready for preschool or kindergarten

- To safely share space and materials with peers

- To join in shared activities with same aged peers
- To transition between tasks with decreasing support - To engage in a wide variety of sensory, fine motor, gross motor, and language activities
- To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

Club Social Celebration Junior (CSC Jr.) - Ages 4-6

- A great group to help younger children seek and make connections with peers
-Children practice taking turns and working together through games and activities

- To ask and respond to conversational questions

- To invite and respond to invitations from peers
- To participate in group activities safely
- To recognize others’ personal space
- To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

Social Musketeers - Ages 7-10

- A neurodiverse approach to social language and engagement
- Children learn and practice how to be "flexible" thinkers, understand how to problem solve in situations, and self-advocate

- To actively engage in a social shared experience with peers
- To practice perspective taking skills with peers
- To respectfully ask and respond to conversational questions
- To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

Write On!

- A multi sensory approach to handwriting with a phonemic awareness twist

- Children engage in arm/core exercises, motor planning activities, and hand strengthening tasks to improve their pencil grip and legibility

- Children learn key phonemic awareness skills including letter recognition and blending


- To improve strength in and motor planning to improve line use, spacing, and letter formation

- To copy from a far point model

- To engage in letter awareness tasks, increasing phonemic competence

Club Social Celebration II

- Helps build and foster conversation with same aged peers

- Incorporates higher level executive functioning skills to find and interpret "hidden rules" of language


- To actively engage in a social shared experience with peers

- To practice perspective taking skills with peers

- To respectfully ask and respond to conversational questions

- To practice executive functioning skills (e.g., self-monitoring and modulating, initiating, etc.)

- To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

CSC: Teen Life and Adult Group

- Provides teens of all abilities opportunities to socialize and seek peer connections

- Allows for low-key talks about everyday and real-life situations


- To self-advocate during social experiences

- To socialize in a safe and accepting environment with same

aged peers

- To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

Bookworm Buddies

- Multi-sensory instruction and engaging activities tailored to the needs of budding readers

- A FUN way to promote literacy growth and solidify foundational reading/spelling skills


- To participate in phonological awareness activities (e.g., rhyming, identifying syllables, etc.)

- To engage in phonemic awareness activities (e.g., letter-sound identification, sound segmenting, sound blending, etc.)

- To participate in a group setting without harm to self or others

Feeding Groups

Led by SOS trained therapists. Uses the concepts of Sequential-Oral-Sensory (SOS) Approach, a worldwide and evidenced-based program.

Targets improvement of oral motor and sensory skills.

Focuses on building food repertoire by helping kids become "food scientists".

Designed for both picky eaters and problem feeders. (e.g., avoiding whole food groups, temperature or texture sensitivities, will only eat a few "favorite" foods, etc.).

Parents gain knowledge and skills to decrease stress around mealtimes and help their children to be successful in eating situations.

Current Formal Feeding and/or Swallowing evaluation completed by a Speech-Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist. This may be from another facility.

Children will be placed based on the results of the evaluation and child's current support needs will help determine the proper placement of group.

What are Neurodivergent Group Programs/Social Groups?

Social groups are an organic way to implement and practice social interactions in a structured setting with same aged peers. Our groups equip and encourage children to navigate the social world around them through play, movement and practice. Flourish therapists tailor groups to encourage clients to practice new social concepts and seek friendships. We encourage FUN in all groups. Children should look forward to coming each week!


Who benefits?

  • Children of All Abilities

  • Social pragmatic language challenges

  • Autism Diagnosis

  • ADHD

  • Social Anxiety

  • Selective Mutism

  • Children who need to practice interacting with peers

Ready to reserve your spot?